Oct 9, 2019Planning Your Holiday EventIn planning your holiday event, there are all kinds of locations that can be used.Check out space at your local museum.They are...
Oct 2, 2019How to work with volunteersBY DIANA PHILLIPPI From nonprofit fundraisers to “friend raisers,” volunteers are the key to event success. Most volunteers have a can-do...
Sep 25, 2019How to Vet Your Vendors to Get the Best Services for Your EventWhen it comes to researching potential vendors, there's no excuse for not doing your homework. Start with Yelp!—it's not just for...
May 1, 2019Planning Your FundraiserIt seems like now that pandemic restrictions have decreased, there is some kind of a fund-raising event every weekend – and even often...
Aug 1, 2018Reviewing the intricacies of contractsIt is important to understand contracts and/or agreements. I have witnessed clients NOT carrying through and asking the “right”...